International Leonard Peltier Defense Committee

Obama, Mandela and Leonard Peltier

Barack Obama has taken his two daughters on a dramatic visit to the Robben Island cell once occupied by Nelson Mandela. Let’s hope he takes them next to the one now occupied by Leonard Peltier. Mandela was famously held by the apartheid South African government for 27...

Obama, Mandela and
Leonard Peltier

by Harvey Wasserman Barack Obama has taken his two daughters on a dramatic visit to the Robben Island cell once occupied by Nelson Mandela. Let’s hope he takes them next to the one now occupied by Leonard Peltier. Mandela was famously held by the apartheid South...

NCAI unanimously supports
freedom for
Leonard Peltier

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 04 November 2011   During its annual conference this week in Portland, Oregon, the National Congress of American Indians (NCAI) unanimously passed a resolution in support of freedom for Leonard Peltier. An innocent man, Native American activist...

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