International Leonard Peltier Defense Committee

New Health Emergency for Leonard Peltier

January 6, 2016 We received a message from Leonard this evening. An excerpt follows. “For months, if not at least a year now, I have been complaining about medical problems and that something is wrong with me… For the last few days, I have been on call out to go...

Drawing through Bars

The Leonard Peltier is locked behind bars, but his paintings still manage to see the light of day every once in a while. The Native American political prisoner has languished in prison for decades, still paying an unjust price, his community says, for a fatal...
Let Leonard Peltier Paint

Let Leonard Peltier Paint

By Frank Hopper In a maximum-security prison in Coleman, Florida, a 71-year-old Native man sits at an easel painting. His back hurts so much it’s hard for him to walk. He needs someone to help support him for the first few steps. Squinting through reading...

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