International Leonard Peltier Defense Committee

The Native American Man
Obama Should Absolutely
Pardon from Prison

On Monday, President Obama commuted the sentences of 46 nonviolent drug offenders, citing inequities in our criminal justice system, saying the system can “work smarter and better.” Obama hasn’t issued many pardons during his time in the White House. But his recent...

Op-Ed: Let’s Keep Being Awesome, America!

…No. No I’m not. I try to keep politics out of my blog, I’m not sure why, but I do. But, for me–and I’m sure for most of us–human rights isn’t about politics? Right? I mean, that’s just basic, yes? I like to be one of the many voices of the downtrodden, the...

Free Leonard Peltier!

Friday past, members of Sinn Féin Republican Youth Béal Feirste joined a white line picket protest in support of Leonard Peltier… We here in Ireland have a proud reputation of promoting human rights and demanding action against injustice not only in our own land...

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