International Leonard Peltier Defense Committee

Krakow, Poland: Event for Leonard Peltier

Od Custera do Peltiera – czerwcowe wydarzenia w indiańskiej historii Once again, we invite you to a meeting in indiaskim Circle in Krakow. This time we will talk about one of the greatest Native American...

Be the Message
for Leonard Peltier

“Free Leonard Peltier – Clemency Now!” 4-Color Silicone Bracelet Double-Sided Message Size:  M or L $5.00 ea. (USD) Visit: Your purchase will help pay the significant legal expenses associated with Leonard’s...

Show Your Support
for Leonard Peltier

Show your support at little expense…Because no amount is too small for the sake of freedom. Visit Your purchase will help pay the significant legal expenses associated with Leonard’s case—filing and cost recovery fees,...

Belfast Stand Out for
Leonard Peltier
26 June 2015

The Ireland for Peltier campaign will be holding a white line picket at the International Wall on the Falls Road in Belfast on Friday 26th June @ 5.30 pm. Immediately following the picket, we will be showing a short video following up with a question and answer...

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